The British Motor Trade Association, BMTA, is a registered charity that offers financial support to individuals with an industry background who have found themselves or their families in need.

Young worker

The British Motor Trade Association (BMTA) stood as a leading enterprise which specialised in the manufacturing and distribution of motor vehicles for over half a century. In 1967, BMTA's focus shifted towards charitable endeavours with a focus on extending financial assistance to individuals and families within the motor industry who are facing temporary hardship. 

This charitable mission expanded to include educational support for children at risk of educational disruptions or facing challenging home environments. For decades, BMTA grants have been instrumental in addressing welfare needs within the motor industry and providing educational assistance to students at state and independent schools. 

Chaired by a long-serving board of Trustees with an extensive significant motor industry background, the Trust offers a wealth of knowledge in business management, development and training, social welfare and education. 

Between July 2019 and June 2020, the Trust provided over £170,000 in grants to more than 90 children and adults in need of support. This grant was used to help with household items, and living adaptations, as well as bills. Apprentices especially benefitted from this grant as they used it for tools and travel costs which helped them progress their careers. Joining the SOE as a corporate partner means BMTA will be able to access a growing network of aspiring engineers and provide them with educational and financial support. 

With the current cost of living crisis generous funding from organisations like the BMTA is often critical for the survival of families. By providing this support the BMTA is not only supporting young apprentices but is also combating the current shortage of engineers throughout the industry. 

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