Take your CPD content to the next level

SOE's approved CPD scheme is designed to support organisations which produce high quality, engineering related CPD. The scheme can be applied to in-house, employee training & events, or that which is sold commercially. We also partner with leading trade events to quality mark their CPD. 

Successful applicants to the scheme can use the relevant 'SOE CPD Approved' logo(s) on their course, marketing and employee material. This cost effective solution gives your CPD the edge compared to others, as it carries the full weight of a Professional Engineering Institution, and indicates it meets the same standards we apply to the membership.

All quality marked CPD is placed on SOE's Approved CPD and Training Register, which is our recommended directory of best practice. To discuss getting your CPD approved by SOE, contact Robin Bates by email at [email protected].

CPD Approved Activity

SOE Approved CPD Activity

A flexible quality mark for standalone CPD

Suitable for apps, quiz based technical content, online report based work and any discrete activity which has learning outcomes, but is not in a physical setting.

SOE CPD Approved Activities will be qualified by our Professional Standards team, and shows that your organisation is versatile in its approach to learning opportunities.

CPD Approved Event

SOE CPD Approved Event

Give your conference, trade show, or workshop the advantage

CPD Approved Event is suitable for standalone items of CPD, which have physical or online attendance. We will assign our mark to quality, engineering content which offers attendees a range of self-guided learning opportunities.

We work with employers, events organisers and others institutions to ensure that content supports operations engineers to fulfil their annual CPD needs. 

CPD Approved Training

SOE CPD Approved Training

Benchmarking learning for engineers

If your organisation runs skills training with schemes of work focussing on teaching specific skills, then consider applying for the SOE CPD Approved Training mark. This shows to staff, other organisations and potential customers that your training meets SOE's exacting standards for CPD.

SOE's team can help you to map your training framework against Engineering Council or Society for the Environment competency standards, and work with you to ensure streamlined routes to registration.

What is SOE's CPD approval scheme?

CPD Approval by SOE gives you the chance to attract more delegates by offering a badge of quality which recognises the quality of your training and CPD programmes in relation to engineering related learning/development activities.

What are the benefits?

External verification of your CPD by an internationally recognised Professional Engineering Institute (PEI) demonstrates that your CPD event offers clear learning outcomes, with high standards and measurable outcomes. This will be of use to your organisation whether you are looking to quality assess your internal training schemes, or if you are a provider of training and CPD to others.

Successfully approved CPD are qualified to use the ‘SOE CPD Approved Event’ or the ‘SOE CPD Approved Training’ logos on marketing and promotional materials, as well as using the strapline ‘Approved by SOE for the purposes of CPD’. Approved CPD will also be listed in the SOE Approved CPD Directory, an important and trusted resource.

SOE will approve your training for a maximum of 5 years, with reassessment on expiry or if the content changes during the period.

How is my CPD assessed?

SOE will assess CPD events, training or activities which are relevant to any field of engineering. This could include seminars, lectures, exhibitions, conferences or any event where formal or informal learning may take place.

When you apply to have your CPD assessed for approval, the SOE team will require you to supply us with details of the CPD (format, length, aims and measurable learning outcomes). This will them be passed to our panel to mark against SOE’s CPD guidelines, and, where relevant, Engineering Council UK Spec. We will also assess that the content is relevant for professional engineers (though the content does not necessarily need to be engineering). We will also require evidence that the delivering tutor or tutors employed to deliver are suitably experienced of qualified.

If the approval relates to a multi-speaker event, we will require at least 60% of the content verified in this way.