Displaying 34 results

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Hear from seasoned engineers and engineering career experts at SOE’s London Event on 30th July

Join our in-person panel event on 30th July chaired by Robin Bates MSOE MBES, Membership, Registration, and Professional Standards Lead featuring speakers from Flixbus, Zurich, National Gas and others.

Leading with safety, thriving with resilience: Why every engineer should enter the Safety and Resilience awards

With excitement ramping up for the return of the Safety and Resilience Awards we delve into why this year's awards are unmissable.

Tom Shelly: A Journey of Engineering Excellence and Environmental Advocacy

Despite his retirement, Tom Shelly remains a fervent advocate for environmental protection, leveraging his engineering expertise to address pressing ecological issues.

Engineering and Ethical Principles

In this webinar Ian Jackson CEng FSOE FIPlantE sets out to explore why proactively embracing and promoting ethics in engineering is key to enhancing recognition of engineering competence.

Matt Clark, a pressure engineer surveyor at British Engineering Services, shares his experiences, challenges and achievements throughout his career

"Ultimately, anybody considering professional registration should take the plunge, they’ll be surprised how streamlined the process is and how rewarding it can be." Matt Clark

New venue sees IRTE Northern dinner dance go with a swing

The IRTE Northern Centre held its annual dinner dance at its new venue, the Dunkenhalgh Hotel Accrington, on Saturday 29 October.

Soft skills in engineering

An engineering apprenticeship or degree is just part of what employers are looking for in new recruits.

Woldsway Training continues UK-wide irtec accreditations with flexible assessment offer

Fleetcare Maintenance and Mammoet the latest companies to accredit their technicians to the irtec standard.

Human factors in collisions: Stop me when I get to 23

Mark Hill principal consultant at TRL shares his knowledge of the human factor in collisions

Engineering superstars light up Society Safety & Sustainability awards ceremony

High achievers from the engineering industry were named in nine categories at the inaugural SOE Safety & Sustainability Awards ceremony this summer.

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